Perth's Leading Specialist in the Treatment of Varicose Veins
EVLA and Phlebectomy Treatment
Case Study
Increasingly aware of large varicosities in the posterior calf/popliteal fossa region. Recently experiencing some heaviness and tiredness in right leg. Symptoms are worse following exercise and in the morning. They have been relieved by rest. Positive family history with his father having quite bad untreated varicose veins.
Relieve symptoms of heaviness and tiredness. Wants to treat now before progression as demonstrated in his family history.
Endovenous Laser Ablation & Ultrasound-guided Ambulatory Phlebectomy
Chronic venous insufficiency symptoms have completely resolved and the patient is pleased with the cosmetic appearances.
Get In Touch
Please send us an email and we’ll be in contact very soon or alternatively, call us on (08) 9200 3450.
If you are unsure of what vein condition you may have, assess your legs with our online tool.
If you are looking for cosmetic spider vein treatment only, please click here.