Perth's Leading Specialist in the Treatment of Varicose Veins
How effective is vein treatment?
If you have been considering vein treatment, because you notice bulging veins (called varicose veins in medical terms), then you may also have wondered how effective the various treatment options are in helping you get rid of the problem. Like with many things in medicine, there is never a 100% guarantee. In the video below, Dr Luke Matar at Vein Clinic Perth flags some of the important statistics and numbers: if you were to undergo vein surgery (or vein stripping), there is a 50% chance you would need another surgery within 5 years.
More effective than vein surgery: modern endovenous treatments
The good news is that, thanks to the innovations in vein treatments, the effectiveness of the modern endovenous treatments (such as the ones offered here at Vein Clinic Perth), is much higher. The chances of needing additional treatment within 5 years have been reduced to 5% for the vast majority of our treatments.
So, how effective is vein treatment with minimally invasive procedures compared to vein stripping? The data tells us that the chance of needing additional treatment in the first 5 years is much lower with treatments such as laser for veins, foam sclerotherapy and phlebectomy, compared to traditional vein surgery procedures. This is why, supported by the latest national and international research, we have extended our range of non-surgical and minimally invasive options here at Vein Clinic Perth, so patients in Western Australia can have access to the most modern and most effective treatments for varicose veins.
What can I do to make the outcomes more effective?
Following up on your treatment with an annual check-up is definitely recommended. This helps us detect any new bulging veins that may have appeared in an early stage. With early detection the treatment is simple, more comfortable and cheaper and it means that we can avoid more serious vein problems down the track.
So where do I start to get my veins fixed?
If you had been wondering “how effective is vein treatment?” and were not sure about where to start, we recommend you book an appointment so we can assess your personal situation and discuss treatment options. At our state-of-the-art clinic next to the Subiaco train station, we start with an ultrasound assessment of your condition.
This matters because the ultrasound will give us reliable and visual data to understand the nature of your vein problem so we can discuss and plan the most effective treatment. It’s important to remember that the vein symptoms you may see on the surface, are to be seen as the “tip of the iceberg” and that we need to look at the underlying conditions.
At Vein Clinic Perth we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you can’t find all the answers here on our website, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us a message to book your appointment.